
content marketing that builds relationships, not email lists

People reading business content are looking to solve a problem, and we all know problem-solving is better in teams.
So why then don't we read free guides in groups?
Is it because free business books are (excuse my French) 💩? Because what was once a way to bond with a distant prospect has now become a half-hearted attempt to get their contact information? Because more attention is given to SEO-optimized landing pages and click-baity ads than is to the value add of the free ebooks?
Probably. But we can change all that.
We can change it with a community of content marketers and professionals who want to discuss and brainstorm.
We can change it with a distribution vehicle that will once again allow content creators the bandwidth to focus on creating great content.
We can change it with a platform where valuable freebies will rise to the top and subpar guides can no longer hide behind big ad spends and flashy landing page graphics.
But most of all, we can change it together.
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content so good a cat would read it

(Or dog. We like all animals.)
What we don't like is subpar gated content. What we really don't like is the system that's made that ok.

the gals behind nonfik

Mekkie Bansil

Mekkie Bansil

Founder & CEO @nonfik

4x SaaS startup marketer and designer. Retired journalist. Almost a real artist. Already a real crazy cat lady. Reviews books on all subjects, but especially likes reading on design and startup life.

Alissa Pagano

Alissa Pagano

Social Media and Community Manager @nonfik

9 years writing. 5 years marketing. All the years storytelling. Recent videographer. Occasionally picks up the slack on book reviews, but especially likes reading on social media marketing and partnerships.

For publishers

spend more time creating content and less time distributing it

Are you a SaaS publisher or marketer? We'll handle the distribution of your ebooks so you can focus on creating delightful content

publish on nonfik