How to Get Rich (by Getting Lucky)
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Jaakko Järviniemi
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Jaakko Järviniemi
Who needs luck to get rich when you’ve got a playbook to help you create your own luck? According to this free guide, there are three kinds of luck: marathoner’s luck, sprinter’s luck, and blacksmith’s luck—each relying on a different amount of random chance. With a special look at how great leaders and empowered founders “create” their own luck and court success, this free ebook will teach you how to capitalize on your good fortunes. Show up, persist, and use some of the strategies here to make wins happen for you.
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you should read this ebook if...
- You really want to get rich (who doesn’t?) but you have no idea how (who does? — this author’s got some recommendations)
- You want to learn ways to become a great leader that are a little out of the box but get results nonetheless
- You’re looking for a book on how to get rich, plain and simple
- You’re curious about the different ways luck can manifest in business